Six Ways to Fight Back Against Fatigue

There is no question that our world is operating a speed that is outpacing our ability to respond to it.  This means many of us are exhausted almost all of the time.  From skipping sleep to study to staying up too late just to get the dishes done, the amount of time...

When is Insomnia a Disorder and When is it a Symptom?

Although insomnia is the sleep disorder we are most likely to self-diagnose, it is one problem we must bring up to our doctor. For most people, insomnia means not being able to fall asleep. This is one of the symptoms or signs of insomnia, but it isn’t the only one....

You’ve Been Talking in Your Sleep

Although the symptoms and long term effects of talking in your sleep are significantly less impactful than those of other sleep disorders, sleep talking or somniloquy, is a sleep disorder in its own right.  One of the parasomnias, sleep talking is characterized by the...