How to Design a Sleep-Friendly Space

If there is one place in your house that should be a stress-free sanctuary, it is the place where you sleep.  However, many of us have turned our bedrooms into multi-purpose areas that we use for a variety of activities.  Many of these activities and the environment...

When is Insomnia a Disorder and When is it a Symptom?

Although insomnia is the sleep disorder we are most likely to self-diagnose, it is one problem we must bring up to our doctor. For most people, insomnia means not being able to fall asleep. This is one of the symptoms or signs of insomnia, but it isn’t the only one....

Sleep Disorder Spotlight on Insomnia

You toss, you turn, you look at the clock, you close your eyes tight, and consider trying to count sheep.  If this sounds familiar, you may be struggling with insomnia.  Amongst the sleep disorders, insomnia is unique in that it is a sleep disorder in its own right...

How Sleep Impacts Your Mental Health

In recent years, research teams around the world have found numerous ways in which sleep impacts our bodies and our physical health.  This ever-expanding understanding of how sleep impacts our overall health shows how skewed our attitudes about sleep have become.  We...

You’ve Been Talking in Your Sleep

Although the symptoms and long term effects of talking in your sleep are significantly less impactful than those of other sleep disorders, sleep talking or somniloquy, is a sleep disorder in its own right.  One of the parasomnias, sleep talking is characterized by the...