The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Health

Sleep deprivation is a term that describes the cumulative effect of the lack of sleep on the body. Researchers have long known that insomnia resulted in fatigue, drowsiness, accidents, health problems, mood changes, and weight gain or loss. Now they know that sleep...

Where Should I Sleep Tonight?

For years, the only real way to find out if your snoring was caused by sleep apnea or if you were having trouble staying awake during the day because of narcolepsy was to spend a night at a sleep center.  For the millions of Americans who struggle with sleep disorders...

How to Get Help for Sleep Apnea

There are millions of Americans suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder where the sufferer stops breathing repeatedly during sleep.  Although 25% of adult males and nearly 10% of adult females have already been diagnosed with the condition,...