Does someone’s snoring keep you up at night?

If someone in your home has problems sleeping at night, they are not alone.  It’s estimated that over 70 million Americans have sleep disorders.  But unfortunately, 95% of people affected go without help. Valley Sleep Centers help people get to the root of their...

6 Tips to Prevent Snoring

People snore when they can’t move air freely through their nose and throat during sleep. When the air can’t move freely it makes the surrounding tissues vibrate, which produces the sound we all know too well. People who snore nightly may have too much or “floppy”...

Top 5 Sleep Tips for Couples

Some people curl up with their significant other at night and drift off to a great night’s sleep.  Unfortunately, that only happens to some people.  The rest of us long for the closeness and intimacy that comes from sharing the same bed but struggle with someone who...