You’ve Been Eating in Your Sleep

Most people are familiar with sleep talking and sleep walking, but what about sleep eating?  Like the other two activities, which are officially categorized as parasomnias, sleep eating can occur when a person’s normal bodily functions related to sleep do not work...

You’ve Been Talking in Your Sleep

Although the symptoms and long term effects of talking in your sleep are significantly less impactful than those of other sleep disorders, sleep talking or somniloquy, is a sleep disorder in its own right.  One of the parasomnias, sleep talking is characterized by the...

Crazy Things We Do in Our Sleep

We have all heard stories about the friend of a friend who sleep-walked out of two story window and didn’t even get a bruise.  Or, we’ve heard of the cheating boyfriend whose pillow talk revealed his infidelity.  But do people really do these kinds of crazy...

Why Do We Talk in Our Sleep

If your husband or wife is claiming that they have no recollection of the discussion you had last night, they may not be trying to get away with or get out of something.  They may have been talking in their sleep.  Most of us think that talking during sleep is limited...

Why Do You Talk in Your Sleep?

Everyone talks in their sleep from time to time and most of the time when we do, we don’t make much sense.  However, sometimes, our nocturnal nattering can offer great comic relief for the other people in our lives.  Whether we are going on and on about a giant insect...