My sincere gratitude

“My sincere gratitude for the invaluable assistance Dr. Townsend provided during our recent appointment addressing my insomnia. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI) session we had was immensely beneficial, marking the first time in five years...
Sleeping on Generosity: The Art of Donating Sleep Supplies

Sleeping on Generosity: The Art of Donating Sleep Supplies

In a world where restful sleep is often elusive for many, the simple act of donating sleep supplies can bring immeasurable joy and relief to those in need. That’s what we decided to do with a surplus of older equipment and supplies that we had in our Valley...
Healthy Holiday Sleep

Healthy Holiday Sleep

Dreaming of a Restful Holiday: Tips for Getting Good Sleep The holiday season is undoubtedly a magical time filled with joy, festivities, and quality time spent with loved ones. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of good...