(PHOENIX, AZ,) –June, 2015 –  If vacation plans have you dreaming of sleep while your kids are planning a summer filled with late nights watching TV, the sleep experts at Valley Sleep Center offer the following advice to provide harmony and health for your family.

Best Ways to Nap

  • Aim for 20-30 minutes
  • Dozing for hours can throw off your natural sleep cycle
  • Staying up later than normal and sleeping in can lead to the biological equivalent of jet lag.

Kids’ Summer Schedules

  • Irregular schedules can lead to lack of quality sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness.
  • Try to avoid overscheduling your kids’ summer with too many activities.
  • You may want to skip evening activities, which can make it harder for kids to relax before bed.
  • Make sure you child has an hour before bedtime to unwind.

Beat the Heat

  • When we aren’t cool enough, it takes longer to fall asleep and we wake up more often throughout the night.
  • While every person is unique, most of us sleep best when the temperature is 65-70 degrees.
  • Body heat is released through your feet, head and hands, so keep them uncovered.
  • Go to be with damp hair. As the water evaporates, it creates a cooling effect.
  • Use bedding materials that retain less heat, like buckwheat pillows or silk sheets. 

 About Valley Sleep Center

Since 2002, Valley Sleep Center has provided Arizona with diagnostic sleep disorder testing in a home-like atmosphere, ensuring a comfortable, relaxing experience for patients.  Their physicians are Board Certified Sleep Medicine Specialists and accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. They provide diagnostic testing for a multitude of sleep related disorders including insomnia, sleep apnea, snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, hypertension, sleepwalking, and pediatric sleep problems. www.valleysleepcenter.com