Breathing through your mouth can be detrimental to sleep quality, and it tends to be linked to more sleep concerns. Lightly taping the mouth shut to bypass the body’s natural buffer system of breathing through the nose is not getting to the root cause of the sleep apnea. As a credentialed respiratory therapist, I know that shallow breathing can turn into panic attacks, it causes dry mouth, fatigue, and further aggravates respiratory issues which is also a precursor to heart disease.

What are the biggest risks of mouth taping? Like any other medical issue, trying to “DIY” our health is never a good idea. 😉 Go to a doctor who is board certified in sleep medicine. A comprehensive sleep study and treatment plan is sure to get one breathing through the nose – which is nature’s way of providing cleansing breaths. A cleansing breath can be practiced. Our body is designed to release 70% of its toxins through breathing. If you’re not completing deep breathing, you’re not releasing toxins. At least 3x times per day for 39 seconds is all it takes. Sleep is life.

Check out the interview on ABC 15 with Lauri Leadley, Founder & President at Valley Sleep Center