What time should my #preschooler go to bed? This is a question we hear often, as mom and dad come to see us for sleep therapy – and are almost always sleep deprived because they’re keeping up with their preschooler😉. Preschoolers are usually ready for bed around 7:30pm, especially if they’ve had a big day at preschool. Begin winding down with story time – maybe 2-3 books starting at 7, and tucking them in within 30 minutes.

Most children during this age need between 10 and 13 hours of sleep over a 24-hour period and usually one daytime nap. Older children may not need any naps at all.

Sleep Tips for Preschoolers:
1. Stick to the same set bed times and wake up times each day.
2. Turn off overhead lights and use dim table lamps starting 30-60 minutes before bedtime to minimize light exposure.
Establish calm and enjoyable activities in the 30 minutes right before bedtime, such as taking a bath or reading bedtime stories to help your child wind down.
3. Make sure the bedroom environment is quiet, cool, dark and comfortable for sleeping.
4. Limit food and drink (especially any drinks containing caffeine) before bedtime.
5. Tuck your child into bed in a sleepy but awake state, then leave the room. This will help your child learn to fall asleep on his or her own and help your child return to sleep independently if he or she wakes up in the middle of the night.