How many of you are #raisingteenagers? Do you find yourself competing with their devices? Teens need ample sleep – there’s no question that sleep deprivation increases the likelihood teens will suffer myriad negative consequences, including an inability to concentrate, poor grades, drowsy-driving incidents, #anxiety, #depression, thoughts of suicide and even suicide attempts. It’s a problem that knows no economic boundaries. Help your teen wind down with a no tech after a certain time “house rules policy”.

Here are 7 tips for helping your teen get a better night’s sleep!

1. No electronics in the bedroom – set charging stations in another room, away from earshot!
2. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
3. No afternoon naps.
4. Get the big tasks done during daylight! That means homework, chores, chats & visits.
5. Set a sleep routine: power down, shower, meditation, repeat
6. Limit caffeine
7. Ask your doctor about melatonin.