The Sleep Divorce, The New Sleeping Trend On The Rise

Say Goodnight To Your Partner’s Snoring And Good Morning To A Well Rested You

The term “divorce,” while usually used in a negative connotation, isn’t as bad as it normally seems when talking about a sleep divorce. This is not the typical splitting up, dividing assets, hiring lawyers type of divorce; it’s a sleeping in separate bedrooms divorce. No need to call the lawyer or argue over who gets what here! Sleep divorce is a rising trend, and for those wondering exactly what it entails, we’re here to take a closer look.

What is the Sleep Divorce?

A sleep divorce is simple. It is when a couple decides to sleep apart in order to achieve a better night’s rest. Some couples choose to sleep in separate beds while others may sleep in separate rooms altogether. A recent survey of Americans found that 31% of them were interested in a sleep divorce. This could be due to the fact that 19% of those Americans blame their partner for poor sleep. Some divorces are temporary while some may become more permanent.

Who Could Benefit from a Sleep Divorce?

Couples who have chosen a sleep divorce have done so for a variety of reasons. Having one or both partners who snore is a common one. Suffering from sleep apnea which requires a CPAP machine, that while quiet isn’t silent, is another reason you may find a couple has opted to sleep apart. Pregnancy is also a popular sleep divorce culprit. Other causes for sleep divorce include differences in room temperature desire, bedding preference, mattress softness, and comfortability, and disparate work schedules.

Benefits of Sleep Divorce

Sleep divorce comes with some (potential) major benefits. Sleeping more soundly, experiencing fewer disruptions to a sleep cycle, waking up less during the night, decreased difficulty falling and staying asleep, and feeling well-rested are all benefits reported by couples who have undergone a sleep divorce.

Proper rest is important because it allows the brain to recharge, repair, and lower stress levels. It can also dissipate daytime sleepiness, enhance endurance, and boost brain function as a whole. This is likely to improve your overall mood which leads to better, stronger relationships (romantic or platonic) in general.

If you are considering a sleep divorce, make sure to set yourself up for all-encompassing success. Don’t opt for the couch in the living room with a pillow and blanket in front of the television. Make sure your bedroom or sleeping quarters are comprised for optimal sleep. This means getting rid of electronics like laptops, tablets, or phones, keeping the room dark and quiet, setting the temperature between 60 to 67 degrees, and ensuring to follow the same bedtime routine nightly.

For further assistance, a consultation, or deciding if sleep divorce is right for you, schedule a virtual appointment with one of our sleep experts to get to the bottom of what’s causing your sleep troubles.