By: Lauri Leadley, CCSH, RPSGT- Clinical Sleep Educator|Sleep Coach

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Lauri Leadley, CCSH, RPSGT

I would love nothing more than for people to make a resolution about adopting healthy lifestyle changes to sleep better.

Good sleep is a blessing. Unfortunately, with most lifestyles people lead today, sleep is an overlooked priority.

The result? More and more people come to me with one complaint – the feeling of being tired or sluggish all the time. This feeling persists regardless of the number of hours they sleep each night.

Related Article – Why Do I Wake Up Tired? 5 Reasons You Can Get Enough Sleep and Still Be Sleepy

Feeling sluggish, even after obtaining a full night’s sleep, is often a self-inflicted wound. Why do I say this? Because distractions, such as those that come part and parcel with our “smart addiction,” have become a part of our lives.

So, the next time you find yourself wondering “Why am I always so sluggish?” instead of brushing it aside, consider making these lifestyle changes.

6 Easy Steps to Sleeping Better and Feeling Energized Every Single Day

Before starting to make these changes in your life, it is vital to know that implementing habits takes time. Give them each a few weeks in order to start feeling their full effects.

Turn off Your Tech!

The lure of “smart” technology, which offers 24/7 information/entertainment with a single click is hard to beat.

However, the light from your smartphone can disrupt your sleep cycle. The blue light can impair the production of melatonin, an important chemical which aids in sleep. And it’s not just your smartphone, the light from any device such as a TV or tablet can disrupt sleep.

So, make it a habit to switch off all your devices at least 30-45 minutes before bedtime and ensure they are at an adequate distance away from your bed (so you’re not tempted to give them a peek).

Ditch your Old and Overused Mattress and Pillow

If replacing your mattress is out of your budget, start small by replacing your pillow. In addition to upping your comfort level, a new pillow is free of dead skin cells, dust, mold, and other allergens. However, if your budget permits, consider looking around for lower priced mattresses and invest in some bamboo sheets.

In addition, here’s a basic tip – the ideal temperature for your bedroom is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit for the best sleep.

Junk that Caffeine and Alcohol Temptation

Yes, a glass of wine is great – if a nightcap is what you are aiming for. However, if you want to sleep well, then ditch that glass of wine or any other alcohol and keep away from caffeine before bedtime.

Consuming even two cups of coffee six hours before your bedtime is enough to keep you tossing and turning.

Limit Nap Times during the Day

Limit nap times to 30 minutes during the day. And it is best to avoid a nap time late in the day. If you work in shifts, napping late in the day could help with your sleep deficit. But if you’re trying to sleep through the night, keep them to the earlier half.

Manage your Anxieties and Worries

If you are a chronic worrier, or if work pressures keep you from sleeping, try to address your concerns before turning in. Learn to prioritize and organize your work or responsibilities. If you still find it interfering with your sleep, consider a stress management course.

Get into a Routine

One of the best habits to develop this year is a bedtime routine. Following a pattern before getting into bed can help the body interpret those actions as a signal that you are ready to sleep. Thus, the body will start releasing sleep chemicals such as melatonin.

Your routine could include a warm bath, meditation, listening to calming music, or gentle stretching.

Don’t Shy Away from Professional Help

If none of the above suggestions help, and your struggle with sleep extends beyond a few nights, it might be the right time to seek help from a professional sleep coach. The triggers for your sleep problems could be elsewhere.

Valley Sleep Center – We can Help you Sleep Better!

Is poor quality sleep impacting your mental and physical health? If yes, then we at Valley Sleep Center can help you. For a consultation with sleep coach Lauri Leadley, please email us at