By: Lauri Leadley, CCSH, RPSGT- Clinical Sleep Educator|Sleep Coach

Lauri Leadley, Clinical Sleep Educator, President of Valley Sleep Center

Often described as the 24/7 generation, good or bad, millennials have earned a rep. They are also a sought-after generation for brands across the globe and the dominating workforce across industry types.

However, millennials are increasingly being referred to as “the tired generation” – most, in fact, suffer from the ill-effects of stress, constant exhaustion, and lack of sleep.

As a professional sleep coach, I can tell you this – if you are constantly battling for more time in between managing your personal, professional, and social life (as is the case with a majority of millennials) and if that time is coming at the expense of your sleep, then you need to stop right now!

Sleep deprivation is a public health issue for the simple fact that when you deprive your body of the restorative benefits of sleep, it can impact your mental and physical health in more ways than one. If you continue, your chances of suffering burnout increase substantially. However, it does not stop there.

Stress, exhaustion, and sleep deprivation form a deadly cocktail –combined they can lead mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Your health could plummet, your immune system could take a hit and your risk potential for chronic health conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease can go up substantially.

So, regardless of how busy you are, you simply cannot afford to ignore the need for quality sleep.

Related Article – Why Do I Wake Up Tired? 5 Reasons You Can Get Enough Sleep and Still Be Sleepy

VSC the tired generation

3 Reasons Why Sleep Deprivation is a Big Challenge for Millennials

Numerous studies cite stress as the leading factor for constant exhaustion among millennials. This then does beg the question – why are millennials so stressed out? Consider the following:

  1. Tech Addiction – The tech obsession and inundation started with Gen Y-ers. Their exposure to tech is extensive. But the need to stay connected 24/7 can prove to be dangerous as millennials spend less time sleeping. And as mentioned above, sleep deprivation or disrupted sleep can lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea. It can also lead to all kinds of mental and physical health conditions.
  2. Reeling Under Financial Pressures – Heavy student debts and the increasing challenges within the job market, which includes diminishing career opportunities, have effectively increased stress levels and anxiety among millennials.
  3. Poor Eating Habits – Poor eating habits (snacking and dining out are the biggest offenders!), the dependence on stimulants such as caffeine and high sugar foods, and consumption of alcohol and nicotine all impact the natural sleep cycle.

How to Cope with Sleep Deprivation

As I mentioned above, sleep deprivation is a serious health risk. You need a minimum of 7-9 hours of quality sleep daily. So, make quality sleep a priority.

Here are a few tips to improve your sleep so you can avoid sleep deprivation.

  • Ensure your bedroom is peaceful and quiet.
  • Use clean and comfortable linens.
  • Turn off all your tech when getting into bed.
  • Use your bed for sleep and sex only.
  • Practice a relaxation routine each night before bedtime.
  • Eat healthy foods – include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and try to eat home cooked meals as much as possible.
  • Try and avoid eating large meals too close to bedtime – make sure you maintain a three-hour gap between your evening meal and sleeping time.
  • Try and avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before bedtime.
  • Make sure you work out regularly – it is best to complete your workout by 2 pm.
  • Set aside some time in the afternoon for a power nap (20-30 minutes) – it will rest your mind and you will wake up feeling alert and refreshed.
  • Maintain a healthy balance between your work and personal life – don’t let stress and exhaustion ruin the best years of your life!

If these tips don’t work, then consult with a professional sleep coach or speak with your health provider at the earliest.

Valley Sleep Center – We can Help You Sleep Better!

Do you suffer from sleep deprivation? Or are you suffering from any other sleep disorder? If yes, then you need help. Contact us at Valley Sleep Center for accurate analysis and treatment option for your sleep disorder.

To consult with professional sleep coach Lauri Leadley, please email us at