What is a CPAP Machine?

While most people associate the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP machine with Sleep Apnea, it is also used to treat other conditions.  Because the machine helps keep airways open with a constant flow of air, it is also used to help people with respiratory...

What Happens During a Sleep Study

If your doctor has requested that you participate in a sleep study, you may be wondering what exactly you are signing up for.  This test, which most commonly refers to a polysomnogram, is a painless way for your doctor to see what it happening while you sleep.  It is...

4 Common Treatments for Sleep Disorders

When it comes to treating sleep disorders, there is no one size fits all solution.  As with most other medical conditions, the treatment plan that is right for one person will be based around the sleep disorder they have been diagnosed with and other factors specific...