Do you drool?

Do you drool?

Pillow Covered In Drool In the Morning? It Happens to the Best of Us—Here’s Why What a great article by Erica Sweeney – thank you for sourcing Lauri Leadley, Owner & President at Valley Sleep Center Everyone wakes up from time to time with drool on...
Mouth Taping & Sleep

Mouth Taping & Sleep

Breathing through your mouth can be detrimental to sleep quality, and it tends to be linked to more sleep concerns. Lightly taping the mouth shut to bypass the body’s natural buffer system of breathing through the nose is not getting to the root cause of the sleep...
Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome

September 23 is Restless Legs Awareness Day. We hear a lot about Restless Legs Syndrome, otherwise known as RLS, but what it is really? Restless Legs Syndrome is also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, and is a neurological sensorimotor disorder that causes you to feel a...
Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea

We are creatures of habit. Do you sleep in the same position every night? A common, go-to sleeping position is on the back. Although seemingly comfortable, this routine position can cause a sleep disorder called positional obstructive sleep apnea. Depending on the...
When Your Sleep Partner Keeps a Different Schedule

When Your Sleep Partner Keeps a Different Schedule

Oh boy, do we love this topic! First, let’s address the elephant in the room: Night Shift Disorder. Often times, couples who share a bed – at different times of the day – both suffer from the effects of one person in the relationship with Night Shift...