Asleep at the Wheel: Drowsy Driving

Most responsible adults know better than to drink and drive.  They understand that alcohol impairs their judgment, reactions and response time which make it unsafe to operate a vehicle.  They know that drinking and driving penalties are severe because of the danger...

How to Stop Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is a problem in America.  Everyone knows we love to drive but, as evidenced by the statistics on drinking and driving and texting and driving, many of us our not taking the responsibility of driving safely as seriously as we should.  This is just as...

Do You Know How Sleepy You Are?

In a recent poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, transportation workers in a variety of fields were asked about their sleep habits, how sleepy they are, and how sleep impacts their job performance.  The findings in some areas were startling, especially...

Wake Up! It’s Sleep Awareness Week

This week is Sleep Awareness Week and many of those involved in sleep medicine will be working to educate the public and raise awareness about the important role sleep plays in our lives.  The National Sleep Foundation kicks off the week every year by releasing the...