Sleepless Nights May Lead to Nursing Home Placement

No one wants to end up in a nursing home and yet around 20% of us will live out that last part of our lives in a long-term care facility.  Researchers have previously established that for the elderly population, there is a link between how well they sleep and their...

Beauty Sleep: Myth or Miracle?

Although today’s woman prides herself on being able to do it all while looking good no matter how much sleep she gets, there was a time that women believed in the need for “beauty sleep.”  It may seem like the epitome of an old wives tale, that sleep can make you more...

6 Ways Parents of a New Baby Can Combat Sleep Deprivation

The picture of parenthood wouldn’t be complete without a reference to the bleary-eyed, sleep-deprived time spent taking care of brand new bundles of joy.  It is often the first in a long line of parenting milestones that give parents everywhere a common bond.  If you...

Insomnia: 3 Tips to Get to Sleep

In a recent segment on ABC News, Diane Sawyer spoke about the insomnia epidemic affecting American women.   Today’s women are struggling to juggle the multiple demands on their time from jobs to families to finances and it is keeping them up at night.  Lack of sleep...

Why Women Have Difficulty Sleeping

In almost every Sleep in America poll completed in the last decade by the National Sleep Foundation, the findings have shown that women have more trouble sleeping than men.  Women are more likely to be a patient at a sleep clinic, more likely to use sleep aids to fall...