How Stress is Stealing Your Sleep

For those who suffer from stress-induced insomnia, it may seem ironic that they best antidote to stress is sleep.  According to the National Sleep Foundation, many sleep experts agree that stress is the primary cause of most short term sleep problems.  If you are...

10 Tips for Sleeping Through the Heat

No matter how much you love the heat,  temperatures in the triple digits can leave you tossing and turning, searching in vain for a good night’s sleep.  People tend to sleep best when the temperature in the room around them is between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit,...

Fragmented Sleep, Missing Memories

For years, sleep researchers have been able to show the relationship between interrupted or fragmented sleep and problems with memory.  Until recently, however, no study has been able to narrow down which factor of fragmented sleep was the root cause of this problem....