Asleep at the Wheel: Drowsy Driving

Most responsible adults know better than to drink and drive.  They understand that alcohol impairs their judgment, reactions and response time which make it unsafe to operate a vehicle.  They know that drinking and driving penalties are severe because of the danger...

5 Tips for Fighting Fatigue

We are a very tired country.  In a past Sleep in America poll, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) found that 36% of us having trouble driving because we are so drowsy, 29% of us are super sleepy at work, and 20% of us are too tired to even have sex.  All this fatigue...

Could Caffeine Be Keeping You Up?

According to the National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep in America poll, 43% of us routinely use caffeinated beverages like coffee and energy drinks to keep us awake when our sleep debt is dragging us down.  But all that caffeine may be taking a toll on our ability to get...

Seven Tips to Help You Fight Fatigue

In the fast paced world we live in, the amount of tasks we set out to accomplish can leave us exhausted and overwhelmed at the end of the day.   The stress of our jobs, the pressure to pay bills, and the difficulties in maintaining real-time relationships in a...