Why Do We Talk in Our Sleep

If your husband or wife is claiming that they have no recollection of the discussion you had last night, they may not be trying to get away with or get out of something.  They may have been talking in their sleep.  Most of us think that talking during sleep is limited...

When Snoring is More Than Just Annoying

Everyone knows someone who snores loud enough to wake everyone else in the house.  It may be your Dad, an elderly relative, or even your spouse, but no matter whom it is there is probably some good-natured teasing and joking going on regarding how noticeably they...

How to Sleep with Sleep Apnea

If you are one of the 18 million Americans with sleep apnea, you may be struggling to get the sleep you need each night and you may not even know why.  Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can be a life threatening condition that often goes undiagnosed and untreated.  Those...