Jan 17, 2013 | Kids and sleep, Sleep tips
As long as there have been parents, there have been bedtimes. It has long been an accepted idea that children need more sleep than we do but few of us think to question if this is a true truth or just one of those things that gets handed down as if it is true. When...
Oct 8, 2012 | Kids and sleep, Sleep and health, Sleep Articles, Sleep tips
There is no question that sleep is important and when it comes to teenagers, getting enough sleep may be the key to everything from getting good grades to maintaining a healthy weight. Recent research has demonstrated how significant an impact sleep deprivation has...
Aug 27, 2012 | Kids and sleep, Sleep tips
Summer’s over and kids are back in school which means many a parent is fighting a nightly battle to get their kids back on track in terms of bedtime. It can be difficult to shift a child’s sleep schedule overnight, but if you find yourself in this position, here are...
Aug 23, 2012 | Kids and sleep, Sleep tips
Almost every school has a bully. A new study completed at the University of Michigan indicates that making sure children get enough sleep may be one of the best ways to combat bullying in grade school. Although the team originally set out to establish a link between...
Jun 5, 2012 | Kids and sleep, Sleep tips
Parents of new babies know that they are going to have lots of sleepless nights in the first few months of their baby’s life. What they don’t always know is that there are things parents can do to help their baby settle into a sleep routine that helps everyone in the...
May 16, 2012 | Kids and sleep
Summer vacation is just around the corner and kids everywhere are getting ready to stay up late and sleep in. There is something about summer vacation that makes it seem as if the rules go out the window and things like bedtimes and eating vegetables should be packed...