Six Ways to Fight Back Against Fatigue

There is no question that our world is operating a speed that is outpacing our ability to respond to it.  This means many of us are exhausted almost all of the time.  From skipping sleep to study to staying up too late just to get the dishes done, the amount of time...

7 Tips for Helping Kids Handle Night Terrors

If you have ever had a child with night terrors, you know that there is a big difference between a normal nightmare and a night terror.  The biggest difference between these two types of sleep disruption is that they happen during different stages of sleep. ...

How to Get Out of Debt….Sleep Debt

Getting into debt is very easy, all you have to do is spend more than you make.  The same is true when it comes to sleep.  If you consistently skip sleep and fail to get enough sleep to meet your body’s requirements, you will rack those lost hours up as sleep debt. ...

5 Reasons Exercise Improves Sleep

Just in case you needed another example of how important exercise is for your health, here are two.  First, being physically active leads to better sleep.  Second, when you get enough sleep, it impacts almost every aspect of your health.  It may seem too simple to be...

Sleep Disorder Spotlight: Sleep Paralysis

There is nothing quite as scary as trying to determine if what is happening around you is real or if you are still dreaming, especially if you think you are awake, but find you cannot move.  For people who suffer from sleep paralysis, this sensation occurs with...