15 Things to Try When You Can’t Seem to Sleep

Everyone has a sleepless night now and then, but if you seem to be struggling with sleep more nights than not, talk to your doctor to make sure you don’t have an underlying problem.  Then, use these 15 tips to help improve your sleep.   Exercise – Working out...

7 Secrets to a Perfect Night Sleep

Have you ever wondered how other people do it, fall asleep right away and stay asleep all night long?  If you are like the millions of Americans who struggle to get the sleep they need, you may be wondering if those sound sleepers know something you don’t. Well, this...

What to do When You Can’t Sleep

There are a host of problems that can keep you from getting the sleep you need, some of which you can control, and some of which you can’t.   But the toll that not being able to sleep takes can cause real problems in almost every area of your life.  Even short term...

Managing Insomnia During Menopause

When it comes to the worst parts of menopause, many women rank insomnia right at the top of the list with hot flashes.  For many women the inability to sleep during this time is the worst aspect of the hormonal changes happening in their bodies because when you aren’t...

When is Insomnia a Disorder and When is it a Symptom?

Although insomnia is the sleep disorder we are most likely to self-diagnose, it is one problem we must bring up to our doctor. For most people, insomnia means not being able to fall asleep. This is one of the symptoms or signs of insomnia, but it isn’t the only one....