Insomnia and Your Partner

Anyone suffering from insomnia knows how difficult it can be to make your partner understand. When one person is snoring the second their head hits the pillow, they can’t imagine why their partner just doesn’t go to sleep. Meanwhile, the one suffering is...

8 Myths About Insomnia: Busted

Insomnia is not a completely understood condition and those who have not experienced it can’t begin to comprehend the cause. Following are 8 myths about insomnia you may believe. Some may shock you, but others will make you feel less responsible for what you...

An Introduction to Sleep Aids

People often turn to sleep aids when they have trouble sleeping. While these can be a short term solution for insomnia or a work shift change, they are usually not recommended for long term use. The National Sleep Foundation recommends caution when taking...

8 Things You’re Doing To Ruin Your Night’s Sleep

Do you wake up still feeling tired? Do you find your nights restless and anxious or have a hard time getting to sleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night often and have a hard time getting back to sleep? Many people form habits that disrupt their night’s...

What You Need to Know about Shift Work and Sleep

If you always find yourself going to work when other people are heading home or are at work when most people are sleeping you may be at risk for a sleep disorder called Shift Work Disorder.  This sleep disorder can affect those who work schedules outside the regular...