How Does Jet Lag Affect Sleep?

By: Lauri Leadley, CCSH, RPSGT- Clinical Sleep Educator|Sleep Coach Anyone who regularly travels across time zones has experienced jet lag. Moving between different time-zones can disrupt your internal clock or your circadian rhythms which in turn impacts your...

How to Sleep Well While Camping

Can you hear it Arizonans? With Memorial Day upon us and the schools letting out for summer vacation, nature is calling. Time to break out the camping gear and head out to the wilderness for a much-needed break from the everyday grind. For many, camping is a peaceful,...

Drowsy Driving Prevention Week November 6 – 13, 2016

  In an effort to save lives and reduce crashes, the National Sleep Foundation has declared November 6 – 13, 2016 Drowsy Driving Prevention Week®.     The National Sleep Foundation states that more than half of American adult drivers have admitted...

6 Tips for Getting Restful Sleep When You Travel

6 Tips for Getting Restful Sleep When You Travel Whether you are traveling for business or enjoying a well-deserved vacation with friends or loved ones, it can be difficult to get the quality rest you need while you are away from the familiarity and comfort of your...

Bouncing Back to Sleep: Seven Steps to Minimize Jetlag

Have you ever come back from a vacation feeling like you need a vacation? Being out of your regular routine will throw off sleep patterns (AKA jetlag). This is the case even more so if you have traveled a considerable distance. Between jetlag and getting back into a...
Gadgets To Help You Sleep When Traveling

Gadgets To Help You Sleep When Traveling

Traveling can often cause a strain on our sleeping patterns. Whether it is unfamiliar or cramped environments, time zone changes, or noise and light that is bothering you, traveling can create problems sleeping. The sleeper scarf looks like any infinity scarf when...