How do dreams affect your sleep?

With the anniversary of the events of September 11 having just passed, we were reminded of an article about dreams and how they affect one’s sleep. The traumatic events of 9/11/01 touched many people’s lives, including their dreams, according to Ernest Hartmann,...

How to Choose the Best Mattress for Optimal Sleep

Having a good mattress is crucial both for getting a great night’s sleep and for the heath of your back and neck. You should choose a mattress that offers you the right amount of support for your body, level of comfort for your sleeping posture, and room for sleeping....

The Optimal Amount of Time to Nap

Have you ever stopped working for a few minutes to take a nap, and woke up alert, refreshed, and ready to finish a project? Or, have you ever tried to nap to reenergize and woke up groggy and even sleepier than when you fell asleep? The answer to why you may have...

A 1000-Year Old Treatment for Insomnia

If you’re like me, your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts always going, going going. Even when you lay down to sleep it’s hard to quiet your mind. Instead you toss and turn, waiting for that elusive sleep. If we can quiet the mind, healing energy restores....