Sleep and Weight Loss

How Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight Does sleep affect weight loss? Quite simply, the answer is yes. Since sleep affects weight loss, it stands to reason it also plays a role in weight gain. Learn why sleep is important for weight loss, but also for maintaining a...

Does Sleeping More Help You Shed Pounds?

You know the drill. The day is finally over and you collapse onto the couch vowing to unwind for just a few minutes before you head to bed. Before you know it, you have been on the couch for hours watching television or wrapped up in whatever happens to populate your...

Three Types of Food to Improve Sleep

Catching More Zzzz’s Is As Easy As 1,2,3… It’s no secret that this is the time of year to get in shape and lose weight. What many people don’t realize is that getting quality sleep each night goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that you don’t...

Will Losing Weight Help You Sleep?

Research has established that getting the sleep you need each night can help you lose weight, but is the reverse also true? According to a new study, the answer might be yes. The study found that losing 5% of their body weight improved both the quality and quantity of...

5 Reasons Why You Need to Get More Sleep

If there was one change we could make to our society that would have the largest and most lasting effect on our overall health it wouldn’t be eliminating sugary drinks or forgetting about fast food, it would be making sure that everyone gets as much sleep as they need...

You’ve Been Eating in Your Sleep

Most people are familiar with sleep talking and sleep walking, but what about sleep eating?  Like the other two activities, which are officially categorized as parasomnias, sleep eating can occur when a person’s normal bodily functions related to sleep do not work...