Nov 19, 2012 | Sleep and weather, Sleep tips
With so many of us tossing and turning and struggling to find enough time to get the sleep we need, it makes sense to do everything we can to make sure our surroundings are as supportive of sleep as possible. November is National Sleep Comfort Month which is a great...
Nov 7, 2012 | Sleep and Driving, Sleep tips
Raise your hand if you have driven drowsy this week. This month. This year. If someone asked all of America to do this, almost half the population would have to raise our hands. There is no question that we have a problem with drowsy driving in America. The...
Nov 5, 2012 | Relaxation, Sleep and health, Sleep Articles, Sleep tips
There was a time when our bodies response to stress was a means of survival. If we were being hunted by a predator, being able to stay awake and remain vigilant meant you were less likely to become something’s dinner. Today, we face different stressors that rarely...
Oct 29, 2012 | Sleep and health, Sleep and weight Loss, Sleep tips
We seem to be a nation of insomniacs or at least a nation of people unwilling to get the sleep we need each night. There always seem to be more important things to do, things that simply must take precedence over slipping between the sheets on time for a solid 7 or 8...
Oct 23, 2012 | Sleep Articles, Sleep tips
Most of us struggle to get a good night’s sleep, at least once in awhile. According to a recent Sleep in America poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, nearly all of us, 87%, have some difficulty getting the sleep we need at least once a week. If you...
Oct 18, 2012 | Sleep Articles, Sleep Disorder, Sleep tips
If you asked most people what constitutes a “good night sleep” they would likely say sleeping for about 8 hours without getting up. Most experts, including the National Sleep Foundation, would agree that most adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. There...