5 Tips to Go From Summer to School Smoothly

Back to School Prep Starts In the Bedroom: 5 Tips to Go From Summer to School Smoothly   It’s that time once again, the time parents eagerly await and kiddos dread. Summer break is coming to a close and the school year is about to kick off. Summer break can throw...

How to Nap Like A Baby and Still Be A Grown Up

When you think of someone taking a nap, you probably picture a baby all bundled up and taking a snooze. Chances are that you do not immediately imagine a responsible and productive adult taking a nap to reset and reach optimal health. In fact, you might even have some...
5 Sleep Solutions For Shift Workers

5 Sleep Solutions For Shift Workers

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is hard enough, but it can be especially challenging when you don’t have a regular work schedule. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 14% of Americans are employed through shift work, and these workers are more likely...

You Won’t Believe You Haven’t Downloaded These 5 Sleep Apps

There are some ways technology can hinder our sleep, such as reading from an e-reader right before going to sleep or watching a television or computer screen in bed. However, there are ways technology can help your sleep too! Here are five apps from your smart phone...

Sleep by Numbers

From the recommended number of hours of sleep that adults need on a nightly basis (7) to the number of adults that are putting themselves at risk because of poor sleep habits (47 million), sleep is all about numbers. Here are a few numbers that will help you...