The 5 Best Natural Sleep Aids

As we become more aware of the dangers of over-the-counter and prescription sleep aids, less people are turning to these drugs for insomnia relief. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the rate of prescription sleep aid use is lower than...

Insomnia and Your Partner

Anyone suffering from insomnia knows how difficult it can be to make your partner understand. When one person is snoring the second their head hits the pillow, they can’t imagine why their partner just doesn’t go to sleep. Meanwhile, the one suffering is...

8 Myths About Insomnia: Busted

Insomnia is not a completely understood condition and those who have not experienced it can’t begin to comprehend the cause. Following are 8 myths about insomnia you may believe. Some may shock you, but others will make you feel less responsible for what you...