How to Nap Like A Baby and Still Be A Grown Up

When you think of someone taking a nap, you probably picture a baby all bundled up and taking a snooze. Chances are that you do not immediately imagine a responsible and productive adult taking a nap to reset and reach optimal health. In fact, you might even have some...

9 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 30% of adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. The CDC also reports that adults should get about 8 hours per night, although some adults need more sleep to feel rested, and some need less....

8 Myths About Insomnia: Busted

Insomnia is not a completely understood condition and those who have not experienced it can’t begin to comprehend the cause. Following are 8 myths about insomnia you may believe. Some may shock you, but others will make you feel less responsible for what you...

An Introduction to Sleep Aids

People often turn to sleep aids when they have trouble sleeping. While these can be a short term solution for insomnia or a work shift change, they are usually not recommended for long term use. The National Sleep Foundation recommends caution when taking...

5 Sleep Solutions For Shift Workers

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is hard enough, but it can be especially challenging when you don’t have a regular work schedule. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 14% of Americans are employed through shift work, and these workers are more likely...