Strokes and Sleep Apnea – A Health Risk You Should Know

What is Post Stroke Depression, and How does it Link to Sleep Apnea? People who experience sleep apnea are already at a higher risk for other health issues, including strokes. Recently, research has found a high correlation for those who have experienced a stroke and...

What Can Cause Sleep Paralysis? Your Worries Explained

Sleep Paralysis Explained Sleep paralysis is a temporary inability to move or speak that occurs right after falling asleep or waking up. Individuals remain aware during episodes, which can often be accompanied by hallucinations or vivid dreams. These episodes usually...

What Triggers Narcolepsy and How Common is it?

Triggers and Early Signs of Narcolepsy Narcolepsy is a life-changing, invisible disorder that affects sleep-wake cycles. Oftentimes, early signs of narcolepsy are not diagnosed for years after they develop. Excessive daytime sleeping, or EDS, is one of the most...

Is Sleep Apnea a Genetic Disorder and Can It Be Hereditary?

Is Sleep Apnea Hereditary? A Look In Sleep Apnea and If You Can Be Born With It. While there are many factors that can contribute to sleep apnea, there is a strong possibility that it can in fact be hereditary. A family history of this serious condition is not...

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk Factors and COVID-19

How Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases Your Risk for Severe COVID-19 If you have issues with chronic/loud snoring or have been told by your partner you’ve stopped breathing at night, PLEASE LISTEN to them. You may have a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea....
Here We Grow!

Here We Grow!

Here We Grow! Valley Sleep Center is please to announce the opening of our latest location in Goodyear, Arizona. Read our press release for more details.

What Is Sleep Divorce?

The Sleep Divorce, The New Sleeping Trend On The Rise Say Goodnight To Your Partner’s Snoring And Good Morning To A Well Rested You The term “divorce,” while usually used in a negative connotation, isn’t as bad as it normally seems when talking about a sleep divorce....

Foods That Provide and Foods That Prevent Better Sleep

Food for Better Sleep – The Best and Worst Foods to Eat When you Can’t Sleep There is one thing that many Americans strive to get more of…sleep! A variety of factors go into getting a good night’s rest — food being one of them. Not only are there...

A 1000-Year-Old Treatment for Insomnia

Yoga Nidra: Achieve a blissful state of sleep through insomnia yoga therapy. If you’re like me, your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts always going, going, going. Even when you lay down to sleep it’s hard to quiet your mind. Instead, you toss and turn, waiting for that...

Night Shift Sleep Disorder, a Real Side Effect of a Night Shift Job

The Side Effects of a Night Shift Job Over time, our 24/7 information cycle and media connectivity culture has completely disrupted the concept of traditional business hours. It’s already challenging enough to maintain a regular sleep schedule and good work/life...